5 Reasons You Should Read The Bone Season & A Playlist


You guys must be thinking, “She’s recommending The Bone Season again?” Yes, yes I am. I can’t stop thinking about the most recent release and just want all my fellow fantasy/dystopian lovers to read the series because it deserves all the praise (though, of course, I’m extremely biased at this point since I already love it so much).

Another reason I wanted to make this post is because I’ve been working on a little Paige and Warden playlist that I want to share with everyone. It’s still a work in progress but what better way to share what I have so far than by recommending the books, right? I think it’s safe to say I’m still in book hangover mode nearly three months post The Song Rising and feeling all the Paige and Warden feels.


So, why should you read The Bone Season?

  • For starters, the world building. Think a world where some have clairvoyant powers but to have said powers means to have a death sentence looming over your head because the government considers it treason. A corrupt government that actually just might be puppets on a string, controlled by mysterious creatures from another world. A world that has a clairvoyant criminal underworld that operates under the noses of said government and uses their powers every day. A world full of spirits and secrets. The Bone Season is all of that and so much more! The world building is complex, beautiful, and dark and continues to blow me away with each book released. 
  • Two words, girl power. From the characters who are considered the heroes to the ones who are considered the villains, it’s the women running the show in this book. I’ve noticed that almost every character who is in a leadership position is female. So, if you’re looking for a series full of girl power then look no further!
  • Diversity. The Bone Season has POC characters, LGBTQ+ characters, and if I remember correctly there have been a few disabled characters. Samantha Shannon created a book world that while having a corrupt government that wants to kill all voyants is also very accepting. She actually goes into some detail about this as far as her LGBTQ+ characters go here. (even though she’s talking about something from the third book there are no spoilers for any of the books in the post I linked)
  • A slow burn romance to end all slow burn romances. The Bone Season is my perfect example of how romance should be handled in fantasy. It shouldn’t be a defining aspect or stunt the character development but rather a bonus that gives readers this tiny thing to fangirl and feel all the feels about. Let me tell you, I have never seen slow-burn done as well as it’s done in this series.
  • Flawed characters and a dismantling of the chosen one trope. The Bone Season is full of characters who are incredibly flawed, none of them are perfect. I mean they live in a world where it’s either become a criminal or risk being killed for what they are. Plus, whereas most fantasy can fall into the chosen one trap this one doesn’t. The main protagonist, Paige, is someone who just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time that ultimately led to her making the choice for herself. It’s stated time and time again that it could have been anyone but she was the one who ended up stepping up.

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Because I’m still feeling all the feels – My Paige and Warden playlist.

It’s short and definitely still a work in progress. Also, I have to give credit where credit is due because I discovered The WhispererPrelude for Piano and Malaria, and Apocalypse through Samantha Shannon and her TBS playlists, which I highly recommend checking out.

And Rise by Katy Perry is more of a song that makes me think of Paige rather than Paige and Warden. Mainly due to events within the series and this quote –

“You have risin from the ashes before. The only way to survive,” he said, “is to believe you always will.”

-Samantha Shannon, The Song Rising

Have you read The Bone Season? What did you think? If not, do you want to read it? 




56 thoughts on “5 Reasons You Should Read The Bone Season & A Playlist

  1. I just picked up the Bone Season this past week, and I’m very very excited to read it; this post made me even more excited. I’m starting to worry about not buying the second book. I feel like I probably should have, but I didn’t (and I guess still don’t) know if I’m going to love it. All this hype is slowly killing me. I think I may have to bump it up on my tbr!

    Liked by 1 person

    • YAY! I hope you enjoy it whenever you get around to reading it. I would have held off on buying the second book too. Just since you’re not sure if you’re going to love it. But if you do love TBS you’ll probably want to get the second book ASAP. That’s how it was for me except I had to wait a whole year for the second one. 😂

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      • Thanks, the way I’ve been reading lately, or I should say not reading, I don’t know what it is but I’m having trouble finding time to read, but anyways that being said I may end up buying the second book before I get to the first, just because of how slow I am haha! 😛

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  2. You can never have too many posts recommending this series Melissa, you could make this blog a TBS blog and it still wouldn’t be enough of a recommendation for this series! 😀
    I definitely agree with literally all your reasons, and they’re certainly more in depth than what mine would have been as well given I just tell people to read the series because it’s amazing. Samantha Shannon is such a talented author and she has created an amazing world for us to explore. I’m so excited to see where the fourth books goes now she really is exploring the wider world. The diversity is amazing and I just love that all the positions of power seem to be filled by women, what other book has that? I can’t think of any.
    I’ll have to download your playlist and save it as a TBS playlist on my iPod for when I re-read the books and when the fourth is released. The only one I’ve heard before is In the Name of Love but if the rest are part of a TBS playlist I feel I’m guaranteed to love them! 😀
    Great post Melissa! 😀 ❤

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    • Right? Sometimes I feel like I’m turning into a TBS blog because I mention it so much. Even in reviews for other books. 🙈 But really I’m just gonna keep recommending it because it’s definitely a series I feel deserves so much more recognition and I want everyone to give it a try.
      I actually wanted to put “THIS SERIES IS AMAZING READ IT!” as one of my reasons. 😂
      She really is! Just how much she’s put into building this book world and the characters and how much depth it all has is incredible. And then the fact that there really is so much left to be revealed and explored. I’m so excited to see where the fourth book goes too! I have a feeling it’s going to be intense. I saw something about a ton of angst in a tweet last week and I actually can’t wait for the angst lol. I really love how all the positions of power are filled by females too! I can’t think of another book that has done that either. It’s refreshing to see and something I kind of hope other fantasy authors take a page from because it would be incredible to see a book world like that more often.
      You’ll have to let me know what you think about the playlist whenever you listen to it! I really want to know if you think Rise fits Paige too because I swear when I heard that song the lyrics screamed Paige. Especially after what happens in TSR.
      Thanks so much, Beth!! 😁♥

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      • I wouldn’t complain if you did turn into a TBS blog, until then just keep recommending it as much as humanly possible! 🙂 It definitely deserves a lot more recognition and it would be great to see it get it.
        You totally should have, it would have made me laugh to see that as one of your reasons! 🙂
        There is so much depth, I am constantly surprised by what she reveals about the world and the characters because it goes directions I would have never thought possible. There’s a lot still to come and at the moment I can’t see how this series could get any better, though I know it will! 🙂
        I don’t think I saw that tweet but I’ve almost been expecting a ton of angst ever since before the release of the third book. I’m not gonna say I’m well prepared for it or anything but I’m aware of it. I can’t think of another book that does it, but then again it seems rare that books have two female characters in the same scenes some times and actually interacting with one another.
        I’ll be sure to give it a listen soon and I’ll let you know what I though, especially of Rise! 🙂
        That’s all right. 😀 ❤

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      • Who knows? Maybe one day if I have the time I’ll venture back onto Tumblr and a TBS dedicated one. 😂 But yes! I plan on recommending it any time I get the chance.
        Me too, I don’t think I’ve ever read another series that has surprised me so much. I’m good with foreshadowing but with TBS try as I might I never even have a clear idea of what will actually happen next. Oh it is definitely going to get better and better and we’ll probably never want it to end. It’s weird to think the 4th book is next because after that we only have three left. So close yet so far away!
        I think I’m just ready for the angst because we haven’t had too much of it. I’ll probably be regretting saying that later but well lol. I also saw where she said that if TMO has been your favorite so far than there’s a big chance you’ll love TBS4. Which TMO is my favorite and it made me even more excited. 🙈
        It does! I’m pretty sure I can count on one hand the amount of books that have more than one key female character which is sad. Six of Crows is one because of Inej and Nina and then of course ACOTAR has a lot of great ones.

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      • Well if you do let me know. I don’t have a Tumblr account but I’ll be sure to check out your TBS blog regularly! 🙂 I try and recommend it to everyone I can as well.
        I find myself trying to guess with books a lot of the time what will happen next but with TBS I never have any idea. There are twists that I could have never predicted, ever. It will still feel like so far away for me, three books is practically a whole series for other authors!
        I think you’ll definitely regret saying that later, and I don’t think you can ever be prepared for the angst either. I feel like Samantha Shannon will be a cruel author when it comes to angst. 🙂

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      • I’ll definitely let you know if I end up doing it. 😊
        I love coming up with TBS theories, as you know, but yeah most of the time they’re just shots in the dark because I never have a true idea of what will happen next. 😂 I can only guess at little things I think will be important later on. I completely agree with the twists! I never see them coming. Like with TSR and Burnish, never in a million years.
        Probably and she probably will be. I mean I have this feeling we’ll be seeing Terebell because we’re supposed to learn more about her in TBS4. Here I was thinking we would escape her for at least one book. Darn. (I like her as a well written character but just don’t like how she treats Paige.) 🙈

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      • Please do! 😀
        It’s part of the fun of coming up with theories though isn’t it. Shooting in the dark and then discovering how wrong you were when Samantha Shannon releases the next book and goes in so many different directions. God I saw nothing in TSR coming at all. That book really shocked me in so many ways.
        I think it will be interesting to learn more about Terebell, I mean you’re right I don’t like the way she interacts with Paige but she’s a character we don’t know an awful lot about at the moment. 🙂

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      • Definitely, I love when I come up with a theory that I really think it going to happen and then bam it ends up being something completely different. Which that is exactly how I think the whole Rag and Bone Man thing is going to go. I feel like it’ll be a TMO style reveal and completely shock us. 😂 I think the only thing I was right about as far as TSR goes was Nashira getting her hands on Paige again. I kind of saw that coming but not in the way it happened.
        Oh it will definitely be interesting. There’s a lot we don’t know about Terebell and I want to know more about her. But poor Paige, she can’t catch a break. Though here’s to hoping Terebell’s tune toward her changes after everything she did in TSR. 🙈

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      • I love it in every single book, but it’s more fun in series like this one where you literally don’t have any idea where the author will take the story. We could spend years guessing and I still don’t think we could ever guess how this series is going to end!
        At least you saw that coming, I can’t even say that because book shocked me so many times and in so many different ways.
        There’s a lot we don’t know about all of them. I feel Samantha Shannon could dedicate the next four books of the series focusing solely on the Ranthem and we still won’t know anything about them. Paige needs a holiday, maybe she’ll have some time to relax in Paris (unlikely I know!)

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      • Definitely, I don’t think I could ever guess how TBS is going to end. I’m not even trying. We’re so far from the ending and so much could happen between now and the last book.
        Right? I feel like there’s so much to explore about the Rathen and just Rephaim in general. And there’s so many secrets! Usually a series that withholds so much information would be frustrating but I love that this one does that. It works so well!
        I hope Paige gets at least a little relaxation in Paris. I mean she deserves.

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      • I guess as each book is released we’ll slowly come up with more theories, but with four still to go there’s no way to guess is there?
        That’s just the way Samantha Shannon writes though isn’t it? She holds so much information back but at the same time it doesn’t annoy you, just makes you want more information and the next book to discover it.
        Give her a small break, let her do some sight seeing or something. 🙂

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      • Oh I will definitely come up with more theories as each book is released but, yeah, right now there’s no way to guess.
        Exactly! And the way she reveals each piece of information slowly really builds up the suspense and makes you want to keep reading. I love it!
        Right? I actually saw on her tumblr that Paige celebrates her birthday in TBS4 with Warden and I’m beyond excited for that scene. 😊

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      • And I will be here to talk to you about all those theories, because I love hearing about them! 😀
        Oh that sounds like it could be a really cute scene. We don’t know what Paige’s birthday is at the moment do we? I’m guessing sometime in January based on when TSR ended at least.

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      • YAY! 😁
        It does, doesn’t? Probably a fangirl worthy scene. I can’t wait for it! See, I’m not sure. I feel like it was mentioned at one point but I don’t remember it. But I’m thinking it most likely is in January. 😊

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  3. I have read The Bone Season and it was such an amazing read, I absolutely loved it! Also, OMG your blog is stunning I totally also followed you on Bloglovin so I could keep up with your posts, especially since you’re a fellow TBS fan! I have to say though, I didn’t actually see any diversity when I was reading it! What characters in specific did you find diverse? 🙂

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    • YAY another TBS fan!! I feel like I so rarely come across other TBS fans on the blogosphere so that’s awesome. And thank you so much! I just followed you back on there. 💕
      This is more of a series recommendation rather than for just the first book (which I so should have stated but didn’t and am kicking myself over that fact). BUT there are quite a few LGBTQ+ characters that pop up aside from Nick and Zeke (who is also Mexican) in The Mime Order as well as The Song Rising: Maria, Ivy (she’s actually in TBS but isn’t more prominent until TMO), Cutmouth (Chelsea), Roisin, Pleione, and Taygeta. There’s a lot of diversity among the Rephaim which Samantha Shannon has an ask floating around her tumblr where she describes them. Beyond that I know there are more but I can’t remember the names to save my life 🤦. I do think it isn’t as obvious in TBS because you really only see Nick and Zeke (more so through Paige’s memories) but as the series goes you start to see more diverse characters pop up. 😊


  4. I’ve been debating this trilogy for such a long time. The hype always put me off. And that I saw some people say it’s an adult book (which I cannot read). But you might have convinced me! Thank you for explaining why people should this instead of just fangirling and saying “READ THIS NOW!” I appreciate it 😀


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    • It’s actually going to be a 7 books series, there’s just only three books and a short novella out at the moment. And while it is adult fantasy/dystopia it’s more light, not as heavy. It reads like YA a lot of the time and the main protagonist is only 19. As someone who never ventured into adult before I read this I really enjoyed it. 😊
      I’m glad I could convince you and I hope you end up giving it a read and enjoying it as much as I did. 😁


  5. I haven’t read this book, yet, but…now I’m thinking that I’m really missing out on something great ahah 🙂 I really love how you broke this down in some key-points, you definitely should do that more often for books, if you’re motivated to do so. For that one, you certainly convinced me to add this to my TBR 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • YAY! I love that I convinced you to add it to your TBR. *does happy dance* 🙈 and I definitely plan on doing more recommendations like this. I actually prefer it do my other recommendation posts. It was more fun to write. If I get the chance to reread this one book I’ve been wanting to rec next month I’ll be doing one for it.
      Thanks so much Marie!! 😁

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    • Thanks so much, Danielle!! 💕
      Yes, TBS completely dismantles the whole chosen one trope. It was hard to explain without giving anything away. BUT the author makes it a point of having Paige make choices for herself instead of having choices made for her and then has it stated how it could be anyone but just happened to end up being Paige by circumstance. It’s probably one of my favorite things about the series. 😊

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  6. I love this post so much! I no longer need to be convinced to read The Bone Season since I HAVE started it (although I’m slumping so bad atm smh) but I have a feeling I’ll enjoy this book. Many of the things that you mentioned are important to me too – the world-building, the girl power, a slow-burn romance, diversity… I mean, wow. ❤

    And yay for the playlist! I'll totally be checking it out and seeing what songs you've included (though I have yet to meet Warden, haha).

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    • Thanks so much, Reg!! 💕 I’m so excited over the fact that you’ve started TBS but oh no about that slump. I hope you’re able to pull out of it soon. 😊
      I did more of a series recommendation for this and all of the points are things that just get better and better as you get further in the books. As someone pointed out to me the diversity is definitely more prominent in the second and third book over the first.
      I hope you enjoy the playlist and I so can’t wait until you meet Warden. You’re gonna love him. 🙈😊


  7. I’ve had this book on my shelf since it was pretty much released and I still haven’t read it 🙈 You and Beth have made me want to put it the top of my TBR pile though, haha. I’m really hoping to read it soon!! Hopefully I’ll love it just as much.

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    • You should so read it Lauren! It’s an incredible series so far. And I think Beth and I have made it our mission to get everyone to give it a try. 😂 I do hope you end up enjoying it as much as I did whenever you get to reading it. I’ll be looking forward to seeing your thoughts on it either way. 😊


  8. AH I READ THE BONE SEASON LAST MONTH AND GOSH. Suffice to say that I was literally word- vomittting in my review of the book. I WAS LITERALLY SCREAMING AND FANGIRLING SO MUCH. *okay Anj, don’t break the capslock button now* THIS JUST MAKES ME SO EXCITED TO GET TO THE NEXT TWO BOOKS! 😭❤

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    • YAY!! I’M SO GLAD YOU LOVED TBS! Seriously, it makes me so happy when someone discovers that series and reads the first book and proceeds to go all fangirl about it! I love it so much. It’s my all-time favorite series.(though that’s probably obvious 😂) Are you planning on reading The Mime Order soon if you haven’t already? That one is even better than the first book! And then The Song Rising will make you feel all of the feels. You’re gonna love them! 😁♥

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  9. I love how much you love this series LOL. I’ve already been sold on reading this series over the summer, but I love the reasons you gave, especially diversity, which I’m always on the lookout for 😀

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  10. Omg thanks Melissa I think I just found the series made for me????? IT SOUNDS PERFECT. 😍 World building, slow burn, diversity, girl power ahhhhhh what an amazing combination. You love this series so much ahah it seems like a must-read for sure! ❤ Lovely playlist and review as well!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • YES! READ IT!! Really it’s an incredible series and my love for it probably makes me a tiny bit bias but if you love fantasy and all of those things then this one will most likely be one that you like. Or I hope so! Thanks so much, Analee!! 😊💕


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