Blogiversary Q&A Answers Part 1 | All About Books


At the end of last month I celebrated my one year blogiversary by announcing a Q&A. I didn’t realize just how many questions I would end up getting so I’ve decided to separate them into parts as well as categories. Part 1 and 2 are both going to be book questions as I got more book questions than anything and putting them all into one post would make for a very long post. And then Part 3 is going to be the blog related and random questions I received.

Also, there were a few questions that were very similar to each other or exactly the same. For those, I answered them by whoever asked the question first. If you don’t see your questions in this post then be on the lookout for the other ones because they’ll be in one of them. 😊

Thanks so much to everyone who asked me questions! Be sure to check out all of their blogs. 💕

Now onto Part 1 –

Lauren @ Wonderless Reviews:

  • Is there a genre that you don’t usually read, but would like to try more of?

I don’t usually read mysteries/thrillers but ever since I read Last Seen Leaving I’ve wanted to try to read more. I have so many on my TBR but it’s getting myself to put down the fantasy reads and actually read them that is the problem. 😂

Beth @ Reading Every Night:

  • Other than The Bone Season what has been the best book/series you’ve discovered thanks to blogging?

Can I pick two? I’m going to pick two. 😝

16096824 23211076-1

Back when A Court of Mist and Fury released everyone was raving about it which led to me picking up A Court of Thorns and Roses. It’s since become an all-time favorite series of mine. And then, of course, I have to include A Darker Shade of Magic (even though I’m still reading the series) because I picked it up due to a few recommendations (you know I mean your’s and Reg’s 😂) and loved it so much. Definitely two that I might not have read if it wasn’t for blogging.

  • If you could travel to any location, real or fictional, where would you go and why?

See, my go-to answer for this at one point would have been Velaris from A Court of Mist and Fury but recently I’ve had a mad case of wanderlust for Red London from A Darker Shade of Magic. The main reason why is because of the way V.E. Schwab describes it. Especially the Night Market and the Isle. Seriously, can someone make it possible to travel into a book? (Let’s see how many times I mention The Bone Season, ACOMAF, and ADSOM…)

  • If you could have one kind of clairvoyant power (from TBS series) what would you pick and why?

I love this question so much! If I could have any voyant power from TBS it would be Warden’s, I would want to be an Oneiromancer. I just find it neat how his voyance deals with memories and even though it can be an invasion of privacy it’s also something he can use to help ease someone’s mind when it comes to certain memories. Which we’ve seen him do twice in the series so far. Plus, I have a really good memory and think it would suit me for that fact. 🙈

  • If you had the power to change one thing about TBS series what would you pick and why?

I had to think about this one for a long time because there is next to nothing I would change about The Bone Season. However, there is one tiny thing – Zeke’s decision in The Mime Order, I would change that. I can’t say why without giving a spoiler for people that haven’t read the series yet but anyone who has will know why.


  • If you had the opportunity to read one book again for the very first time what would you pick (not TBS though, I feel that’s an obvious answer for you)?

You know me too well, Beth! I so would have picked The Bone Season! 😂 But since I can’t, the one other book I would love to read again for the very first time is City of Bones by Cassandra Clare. It would be amazing to experience meeting those characters for the first time again and learning the world.


  • What is your favourite quote of all time? Could be a book or otherwise one, any quote at all.

I’m not sure if I have one all time favorite quote but rather a ton that I consider favorites. One of my favorites happens to be –

“To the people who look at the stars and wish.”

“To the stars who listen – and the dreams that are answered.”

– A Court of Mist and Fury, Sarah J. Maas

  • Would you rather never be able to read your favourite series ever again, or never be able to read any books yet to be released?

But how am I supposed to choose since The Bone Season is a series that has books yet to be released and is also my favorite series? If I choose the second option then I would never know what happens to them and if I choose the first I couldn’t read the series at all. I can’t pick. (If there is an exception and I can read The Bone Season books still yet to be released then I choose the second option.)


Michelle @ Book Adventures:

  • If you could have one fictional job, what would it be?

I’m going with Shadowhunter. Although, I’m completely unathletic in real life and they have to be all good at fighting and weapons so I would probably be terrible at being a Shadowhunter. I can dream, though, right? 😂


  • Which two characters would you invite to a sleepover?

Inej and Nina from Six of Crows! I feel like they would be so much fun to hang out with and if I could be a part of any friendship from any book it would be their friendship.

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Jasmine @ How Useful It Is:

  • Do you ever read a book a day?

Once upon a time, I had the ability to read a book in a day but now I almost never can. There are those rare occasions but between work and my own slow reading (especially with fantasy) I’m usually lucky if I read a book in a week. 🙈

  • What makes you decide to buy a book?

I’m a hype reader so nine times out of ten what makes me decide to buy a book is whenever everyone is raving about it and it sounds interesting to me. Then also whenever I’m actually going to read it. I’ve been trying to only buy books whenever I’m going to read them soon.

  • From all the books you have read, where do you want to visit the most? And least?

Since I already answered the most half of this in Beth’s question I’m just going to do the least. The one book world I want to visit the least is probably The Bone Season. I mean I adore those books but I do not want to visit a world ruled by a puppet government that is controlled by supernatural creatures that want to kill all voyants. Nope. No thank you. Although, I mean if anyone wants to transport Warden out of those books for me I would really like to meet him. And then never let him go back.





49 thoughts on “Blogiversary Q&A Answers Part 1 | All About Books

  1. Great answers, Melissa! These are some really fantastic questions! Mystery/thrillers are amazing but I never read enough of them! And the ones I usually pick up are extremely gritty and dark. I wish I could give you a recommendation but not sure you’d like the ones I have on my shelf lol. Although, Dean Koontz’s Intensity is a great thriller! ACOTAR and A Darker Shade of Magic are just fantastic series. Love the quote you picked form ACOMAF. It’s definitely one of my favorites (among many). The Mortal Instruments was just fantastic and it would be so amazing to experience that world for the first time again! Inej and Nina are the PERFECT choices. They seem like they would be so much fun to have over 😀 Lovely post! Can’t wait to see your other answers! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much, Azia! 💕😊 I’m not opposed to gritty and dark mystery/thriller books. I actually watch more mystery/thrillers than I read and I’ve watched some pretty dark ones lol. I’ll have to look that one up!
      I feel like the three books I can never shut up about are ADSOM, ACOTAR, and TBS. Especially TBS but well I’ll never regret throwing that around all the time. 😂 TMI definitely is amazing and Inej and Nina really do seem like they would be fun to hang out with. 😊

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      • Oh yay! That’s wonderful to know. And I love watching dark thrillers too. Criminal Minds is actually a pretty good one haha. Although I haven’t had much time to watch much of anything recently 😔
        I’ve only read ADSOM and ACOTAT but they’re such great books, it’s hard NOT to talk about them. Gotta get to TBS soon!

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      • I need to watch Criminal Minds. I’ve seen a few episodes in passing but never actually sat down and watched it. One of my friends is obsessed with it though.
        And you so need to read TBS! Since you loved ADSOM I have a feeling you’ll love it. Not because they’re similar at all but both have really complex worlds. 😊


  2. Did you find it hard to get questions for your Q&A? I’ve done a Q&A before and every time I think of it as an idea, I’m worried I won’t get any questions and it’ll be a complete flop! Do you have any advice for me? 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • This is only the second one I’ve done and so far I haven’t run into any trouble getting questions. I think us book bloggers are a pretty curious bunch and always want to ask each other questions when someone is doing a Q&A. I don’t have much experience but I’d say just post a Q&A announcement post on your blog. Good luck!! 😁💕

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  3. Great Q&A! I have one: if you could only take one book with you to a desert island…how long would it take you to realize that the question is ridiculous? 😂😂😂 No matter how awesome the book is, you would love get sick of it after like three days! I hate questions like that 😂🙄!

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  4. I loved reading your answers for all these questions Melissa, I do think the last one I asked you was the hardest for you to answer. I’m not sure what I would have answered if I’d been in your position.
    Yes, I am so so glad to see A Darker Shade of Magic as your favourite book you discovered through blogging (one of them anyway). Seriously I know I’ve probably said this so many times already but I can’t wait to see your reviews for the second and third books, and you need to let me know as soon as you’ve finished them both what you think as well! 😀
    Warden’s power would be an amazing one to have, and yeah I’d like to change Zeke’s decision at the end of TMO. I know what one you mean and oh that really hurt when he walked away! 😦
    I think Shadowhunter would be a cool job to have but I’m the same as you, not athletic and not good at fighting or with weapons so I wouldn’t make it long if I was one.
    Also I would love the power to be able to travel into bookish worlds, that way I could visit Velaris, and Red London, and TBS London as well. Basically all the amazing book locations you mentioned in your post.
    I can’t wait to see part two Melissa! 😀 ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Glad you loved reading them, Beth!! 😁 And YES! That question was so hard to answer. In the end I don’t even think I answered it very straightforward because I couldn’t pick. The con to your favorite book series not having all the books released yet. 😂 Evil question! Just wait until Part 2 because Azia asked me to pick between two of my top OTPs. That one was just as hard to answer lol.
      Well my review for AGOS will most likely be up by either the end of this week or the beginning of next week. Depending on when I finish the book and how long it takes me to write. And I will definitely let you know the second I finish AGOS! I’ll be running for the blog to leave you a comment ASAP LOL.
      It really did hurt when he walked away! My heart broke for Nick and I couldn’t believe he chose to go with Jaxon. I mean I get it because of Nadine but at the same time part of me expected him to choose Nick. 😢
      I wouldn’t make it long either. Although, if Shadowhunters were real and I was one I would hope I would be a bit more athletic than I am now. 😂
      And it would be so incredible to travel into a bookish world. We just need magic to be real and then someone to make it possible. If only! I would jump into one of my favorites and never leave. 🙈

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      • I wouldn’t have been able to answer it at all, which I guess is a little unfair asking you a question I couldn’t answer myself, but then again I never said I was fair! 😀 Yeah that’s a pretty major con, especially in the case of TBS books where we still have four more to be released! Ohh that’s really evil, but still can’t wait to see your answer for it!
        In that case I’ll be keeping an eye out for it, I really can’t wait to see what you think and we need to talk about this book and about the cliffhanger like the second you’re done as well!
        No me neither. I thought for sure he’d choose Nick even if his sister did choose Jaxon but I’m holding out hope of the two of them being reunited one day. Maybe even in book four!
        Well there’s that isn’t there. You’d obviously have been trained from a young age to be a Shadowhunter so you’d likely last a little longer at least!
        God if magic was real and I could jump into my favourite books I don’t think I’d ever come back again! 😀 ❤

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      • Right? 😂 And just wait the next time you do a Q&A I will think of the hardest questions I can for it! 😝
        Definitely but I mean once all the TBS books are released I would be able to choose lol.
        I know I already left you like two other comments saying I finished it but I FINISHED IT AND 😱! We so need to talk about the cliffhanger! And my review will be up at the beginning of next week. I only have it drafted in a word document at the moment because I know I’ll want to make a few more changes before I post it.
        I’m holding out hope for that too! I need Nick and Zeke to be reunited. Maybe in book four if not then in book five. 😊
        Yep! Unless even then I was terribly unathletic. Then maybe I would just steal Hodge’s job and work in the institutes library.
        Me either! 😊

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      • Oh I’m already partly dreading it, I can just think of the questions you’ll come up with to ask me as revenge! 😀
        Well we’ve still got a while before they’re all released so you’ll have time to think more on your answer.
        Yep, I’ve seen your comment, and I think when you post your review I will post a comment to talk to you about this book that will rival our comments on TSR! 😀
        I’m keeping my fingers crossed for book four, but honestly as long as it happens at some point I’ll be happy.
        Actually working in the library would be kind of a dream come true for me! I totally wouldn’t mind that at all. 😀 ❤

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      • *evil laughs* You’ll just have to wait and see! 😂
        Way too long until they’re all released. Although, Samantha Shannon said she’s going to put up the first TBS4 song from her playlist this week and I’m really excited for that lol.
        YAY! I can’t wait for this comment that will rival our TSR comments.
        Same. I mean Nick and Zeke deserve a happy ending. I need it to happen!
        For me too. I can just imagine it all quiet and calm. For the most part anyways. 😊

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      • I’ll have to start thinking of the evillest questions possibly to try and come up with answers early then! 😀
        Yes I saw that tweet and oh I am so excited as well. You know it’s going to be an amazing song that will just give us more questions for TBS4.
        Oh just wait!
        That is definitely one of the things I wanna see by the end of TBS series! Like a must! 😀

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  5. I SO want to go to Red London!! Ahhhhh it sounds so amazing and I’m obsessed with England already? Add magic and Kell and V.E. Schwab’s imagination and I’m in heaven?? LOL. Also being a Shadowhunter would be so awesome! (I do wonder where they get their income, though… it’s not exactly a common job haha. #myrandomthoughts) I am so not athletic enough for that.. perhaps a rune shall come to our rescue? 😉 Inej and Nina would be so great to have over for a sleepover! I love them. ❤ Loved reading these questions and answers, can't wait to see part 2 of this!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Right? I’m already obsessed with England too and then adding in all of that I completely agree lol. If only we could travel into books!
      And I think when they’re younger Shadowhunters aren’t paid because they’re in training but I think they do get paid when they’re older. I could be wrong but I swear I saw something where Cassandra Clare talked about it once. And yes! Maybe a rune. One that makes us more athletically inclined. 😂
      Thanks so much! Glad you liked reading them, Analee!! 💕😊


  6. You got so many awesome questions! I hope you had fun answering them! I really like your answers and I still need to read TMI series hehe I think just by the name City of Bones, really, who would want to go there lol.. mystery is actually really a great read if it doesn’t deal with gruesome scenes or killing because I like figuring out whodunnit and I like it when I can’t guess because the author put some twists in there to throw me off guard, that kind of mystery will make you want more haha I also add more books on my TBR based on hype too 😂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I had so much fun answering them! Glad you enjoyed my answers, Jasmine! 😁♥
      And TMI is an incredible series. Funny enough the title of the first book is more representing a certain location in the book rather than the full book and they’re only there for like a chapter or two. Which is weird now that I think about it. 😂 Either way it’s a fantastic series!
      And that’s the aspect I’ve loved most about the few mystery books I’ve read (as well as all the movies I’ve watched) – figuring out who did what and then all of the twists. I know Last Seen Leaving left me guessing for pretty much the whole book and then had so many jaw dropping reveals. 😊

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      • You have me sold on Last Seen Leaving. I need to look that book up haha.. TMI, the series is long.. that’s the only reason I delay reading it. It will happen though, hopefully this year 🙂

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      • YAY! I hope you enjoy Last Seen Leaving as much as I did if you decide to read it. 😁 And yeah TMI is a long series but definitely worth it. At least to me lol. I hope you enjoy it whenever you get around to it. 😊♥

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  7. HAHA super honoured to be included in that list of recommenders for A Darker Shade of Magic! I’d totally love to visit Red London too – it’s just so vivid in my mind and seems like a lovely place to be (when it’s not being torn apart by evil, that is).

    And I feel you re: not being able to read in a day. I still do that but it’s been soooo long since I’ve done it and I really don’t see myself having the mental capacity for it, at least not for the next couple of weeks… oh well, such is life. 😛

    Can’t wait for Part 2 and Part 3! ❤

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    • Of course! I really don’t think I would have gotten around to it had I not talked to both you and Beth about it so much beforehand. You both made me way more excited and curious about it lol. 😁 And yes, definitely when it’s not being torn a part by evil. If only it were possible to travel into books! I’d definitely visit Red London first.
      The only way I ever manage to read a book in a day is when it’s a REALLY good book and I have zero to do that day. And then even then I find myself getting distracted by other things. I’ve just accepted the fact that I’m a slow reader and get easily distracted even when I’m enjoying a book. 😂


  8. Lovely answers, Melissa, that was a lot of fun to read 🙂 I discovered ADSOM just as well thanks to book bloggers and I am so happy I did, it was a wonderful series and I can’t wait for you to read the last book 😀

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  9. I get the feeling you really love the Bone Season here. 😂😂 I love your flailing over it!! OMG A DARKER SHADE OF MAGIC THOUGH!! I love that series so much. It’s absolutely the best and like breaks you and also is fkadjlasd perfection. ❤ And I want to be a Shadowhunter too! Or a grisha with Nina. Can she like hire me, pls??😂

    (Happy blogversary!!)

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    • YES! The Bone Season is my all time favorite. 😂🙈 And I am LOVING ADSOM so far! I’m nearly finished with AGOS and it’s so good and part of me doesn’t want to get to ACOL because I never want the series to end.
      Being a grisha with Nina would be awesome! 😂
      Thanks so much, Cait!! 💕😊


  10. I too would totally be a Shadowhunter if I could 😛 Ugh, I totally need to read Six of Crows already so I can start fangirling with you!
    Thanks for answering my questions and I loved reading all your other answers too 💕

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    • It would be awesome being a Shadowhunter! And you so need to read Six of Crows, Michelle!! I can’t wait until you get the chance to read them and we can fangirl over them together. You’re welcome, I had a lot of fun answering them and glad you enjoyed reading the other answers too! 😁💕

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  11. This is such a great feature! I loved reading your answers. ADSOM and ACOTAR/ACOMAF are some of my all time favourite series. There are so many books that I’ve only really heard about through blogging and instagram – I love finding new recommendations.

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  12. Aww, I loved reading this. I’m a huge advocator of you reading more thrillers 😉 I definitely support that. I understand that it’s a hard genre to get into though! Last Seen Leaving was such a good book and like really refreshing for YA thrillers too. One of my favourite YA thrillers is Beautiful Malice by Rebecca James. It’s an Australian title though so I’m not sure how easy it’d be to get hold of. Same as Black by Fleur Ferris! Need by Joelle Charbonneau is really good too. Or for something more adult I 100% recommend Night Film by Marisha Pessl because that book was a RIDE and of course, You by Caroline Kepnes (that one’s a bit messed up though, but I love it haha).

    So glad you discovered Shades of Magic!!! It’s such an incredible series. This post also has me wanting to just hurry up and read The Bone Season already!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Glad you enjoyed reading it, Lauren! Sometimes I wonder if it’s because I’m so used to watching thrillers and I’ve found reading them is a completely different experience to watching them. Either way, I am definitely going to have to start reading more. Thanks so much for all the recs, I’ll be looking them up on GR! Funny enough I’ve read a few other books by Joelle Charbonneau and love her writing style so it’s neat that she’s written a thriller and I actually have You by Carline Kepnes sitting on my shelves right now. I really want to read that one.
      And you so need to read TBS! It’s so good and I think I just want everyone to read it. 😂🙈


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